On the one hand, Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the common administrative procedure of Public Administrations (LPACAP) recognizes in article 13.a) the right of people to communicate with the Administrations public in relations with them through a General Electronic Access Point (PAGE) of the Administration.

The PAGE, however, is not defined by the LPACAP since it aims to simplify and concentrate in a centralized portal all the channels of communication with the public. Although Royal Decree 1671/2009, implementing Law 11/2007, contains a reference to the General Access Point, this applies to the State Administration and not to the rest of the Administrations.

On the other hand, in accordance with Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the legal regime of the public sector (LRJSP), each public administration must create an electronic headquarters for the exercise of its powers . The same LRJSP also determines that an internet portal must be available. None of them are equivalent to PAGE.

Indeed, according to article 38 of the LRJSP, the electronic headquarters is that electronic address available to citizens through telecommunications networks, owned by a public administration.

And the internet portal, regulated in article 39 of the LRSJP, as the electronic point that allows access to published information.

Consequently, the planned access to the LPACAP and the LRJSP is a portal – a web page – of the Administration containing all the links to the various electronic offices of the Administration.

From a practical point of view, and according to the Catalan model of interoperability, the AOC Consortium is working to make available to the Catalan public sector a PAGE that brings together all its Catalan electronic offices, which at the same time would be connected to the point of general access of the State.

Legal context

Law 39/2015

Article 13. Rights of people in their relations with public administrations.

"Those who, in accordance with article 3, have the capacity to act before public administrations, are holders, in their relations with them, of the following rights:

a) To communicate with public administrations through a general electronic access point of the Administration.”

Law 40/2015

Article 38. The electronic headquarters.

"1. The electronic headquarters is the electronic address, available to citizens through telecommunications networks, whose ownership corresponds to a Public Administration, or to one or more public bodies or public law entities in the exercise of their competencies.”

Article 39. Internet portal.

"Internet portal means the electronic access point whose ownership corresponds to a Public Administration, public body or entity under public law that allows access via the Internet to published information and, if "where applicable, to the corresponding electronic headquarters."

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