The Digital Administration Guide is a support document for users of AOC services, which aims to facilitate - in a schematic way - the digitization process of Public Administrations and public sector bodies.

This Guide proposes some solutions to the challenges of digital administration, since it is not just about digitizing the paper procedure or applying technology to everything that was already done previously, but about simplifying processes, providing more services personalized, being proactive (and also predictive), using new mobile technologies, cloud computing , big data , open data and new forms of collaboration.

What is not the Practical Guide to digital administration?

The Guide is a basic support instrument: it is not binding or mandatory for users of AOC services, nor is it intended to resolve specific doubts.

The AOC is not responsible for the practical application of the rules governing the common administrative procedure, the legal regime or other sectoral rules.

It is up to the user organizations of the AOC services to resolve specific doubts, as well as to determine the application of the regulations within their organization.

Content and structure of this portal

Its content is informative, grouped into 2 sections: one, citizenship and business (information on AOC services that entail a relationship between the AAPP and the public) and, the other, Administration and internal management (information on AOC services for to inter-administrative relations).

The sections have several FAQs grouped by the most common topics and queries relating to AOC services (notifications, electronic signature, interoperability, etc.).

In each FAQ you will find:

• General answers to some common challenges regarding the electronic administrative procedure.
• AOC services that meet related needs.
• Brief reference to the legal context.