Current regulations require that the registration assistance offices (OAMR) receive documents addressed to any public administration.

Temporarily, as long as there is no real integration of all the records of the Public Administrations (AAPP), it will be necessary to establish a protocol so that the OAMRs can respond efficiently. We can find three cases:

  1. Documents addressed to d'AAPP de Catalunya : in this case, the shipment must be made through the EACAT platform, through the specific consignments or the generic consignment.
  2. Documents addressed to AAPP of the State outside Catalonia, but integrated with SIR *: through EACAT, integrated with the System of interconnection of records (SIR) of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, which is the platform which allows the exchange of electronic entries of records between all AAPPs, documentation addressed to AAPPs from the rest of the State can be sent, as long as they are integrated with SIR.
  3. Documents addressed to the rest of AAPP : a good practice would be to send this documentation through a conventional post office, but advance the delivery also by electronic means (email, fax or any other channel depending on the contact information we have ).

*The service of sending documents addressed to AAPP of the State outside of Catalonia integrated with SIR, will be available shortly through EACAT. As soon as it is up and running, it will be duly reported.

Legal context

Law 39/2015

Article 16. Records .

"4. The documents that the interested parties send to the public administration bodies can be presented:


d) At the registration assistance offices.

The electronic records of each and every one of the administrations must be fully interoperable, so that computer compatibility and interconnection are guaranteed, as well as the electronic transmission of registration entries and documents that are presented in any of the registers."

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EACAT : generic t rames and specific rames