Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the common administrative procedure of Public Administrations (LPACAP) determines that Public Administrations must have two registers (or another equivalent system), which allow to record:

  1. of officials qualified to make authentic copies, so as to guarantee that these have been properly issued; and,
  2. of officials dedicated to assisting those interested in the use of electronic media to those interested.

In the latter case, article 12.2 of the LPACAP specifies and develops this authorization, while specifying that if an interested party does not have the necessary electronic means, his identification and signature may be validly carried out by a public official by means of his signature electronics

For these purposes, in accordance with the indicated precept, it will be necessary for the interested party who does not have these means to identify himself to the official and give his express consent for the specific action, which must be kept by record it in cases of discrepancy or litigation.

To implement this obligation, the Public Administrations must:

  1. Create a system of registration of these public employees, which could be a database with the IDs of the employees in question, or that users of the applications associated with Check-in and Copy are automatically considered members of the registry skilled public employees.
  2. Approve this register by Mayor's decree, which states the authorization of the Secretary of the Corporation and the appointment of the members of this register.
  3. Bear in mind that in this register or equivalent system there must be, at least, the employees who provide services to the assistance offices in matters of records.
Legal context

Law 39/2015

Article 12. Assistance in the use of electronic media to those interested.

"1. The public administrations must guarantee that those interested can relate to the Administration through electronic means, for which they must make available the necessary access channels as well as the systems and the applications that are determined in each case.
2. Public administrations must assist interested parties not included in sections 2 and 3 of article 14 in the use of electronic media who so request, especially with regard to identification and electronic signature, the submitting applications through the general electronic register and obtaining authentic copies.

Likewise, if any of these interested parties does not have the necessary electronic means, their identification or electronic signature in the administrative procedure can be validly carried out by a public official by using the electronic signature system that is equipped for this In this case, the interested party who does not have the necessary electronic means must identify himself to the official and give his express consent for this action, a fact that must be recorded for cases of discrepancy or litigation.

3. The General Administration of the State, the autonomous communities and local entities must keep up-to-date a register, or another equivalent system, in which the officials qualified for the identification or signature regulated by this article are recorded. These registers or systems must be fully interoperable and be interconnected with those of the rest of the public administrations, for the purposes of checking the validity of the aforementioned qualifications.

In this register or equivalent system there must be at least the officials who provide services in the assistance offices in matters of records."

Article 27. Validity and effectiveness of copies made by public administrations

"1. Each public administration must determine the bodies that have been assigned the powers to issue authentic copies of public administrative or private documents.

Authentic copies of private documents only have administrative effects. The authentic copies made by a public administration are valid for the rest of the administrations.

For these purposes, the General Administration of the State, the autonomous communities and the local entities can make authentic copies through an authorized official or through an automated administrative action.

A register, or other equivalent system, must be kept up-to-date, listing the officials qualified to issue authentic copies, which must be fully interoperable and interconnected with those of the rest of the public administrations, for the purposes of verifying the validity of the aforementioned qualification. This register or equivalent system must contain, at least, the officials who provide services in the assistance offices in matters of records. [...]"

Seventh final provision. Entry into force

"This Law enters into force one year after its publication in the Official State Gazette.

However, the provisions relating to the electronic register of powers of attorney, electronic register, register of skilled public employees, general electronic access point of the Administration and single electronic file take effect after two years of entry into force of the Law."
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