In the area of the Catalan Public Administration, the AOC, through the EACAT platform, has foreseen a whole series of specific transmissions of documentation between the different administrative bodies.

On the occasion of the entry into force of Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the legal regime of the public sector, the need to have a mechanism for sending documentation in electronic format for all cases necessary, made the AOC available to the public sector of Catalonia the generic consignment of documentation, which solves the gap that existed in case of not having a specific consignment.

Therefore, the generic transmission of EACAT (if there is no specific transmission in EACAT) will be the solution to be used when documentation must be delivered between the public sector of Catalonia. In this sense, it is also the solution for sending requests for information or derivations of requests about transparency obligations between us.

Legal context

Law 40/2015:

Article 3. General principles

"2. The public administrations must relate to each other and to their organs, public bodies and related or dependent entities through electronic means that ensure the interoperability and security of the systems and solutions adopted by each of them, they must guarantee the protection of the personal data and must preferably facilitate the joint provision of services to the interested parties."

Law 19/2014, of December 29, on transparency, access to public information and good governance:

Article 27. Submission of applications

"3. Requests must be addressed to the entity or administrative body that has the information. If the request for information is addressed to a body that does not have it at its disposal or is addressed generically to an administration, the provisions of article 30 are applicable."

Article 30. Derivation of requests

"1. In the event that the request for access to the information is addressed to an entity or administrative body that does not have the information, this must refer it to the entity or body that does have it, if known, or to the office responsible for public information that corresponds, within a period of fifteen calendar days, and inform the applicant to which body the request has been referred and the details to contact them."

Related Solutions

EACAT : generic t rames and specific rames
