If you are a e-NOTUM user, you can track the electronic notifications issued by your institution and department (in whatever state they are), from the EACAT portal and following the steps indicated in the FAQ How to create a notification/ communication? , sections How do I consult the details of the notifications made? and How can I search and filter the notifications made? .

Specifically, you can:
• Consult the list in reverse chronological order.
• Perform an advanced search.
• Download a receipt with the evidence of the notification process, when the notifications reach a final state (access or rejection is recorded). This document is also available from the citizenship portal.

In addition, in the detail of each notification you will find its relevant data: dates and times, status, etc.

The proof of evidence

As we indicated, the e-NOTUM service generates - automatically - a PDF document called Evidence of the notification process, which is available when the notification process ends.

This document makes it possible to justify the access or rejection of the notification and accredits the identification of the notified act, the recipient, the specific date of making it available and the practical date of the notification; is similar to the acknowledgment of receipt of paper notices.

Therefore, you can incorporate the Evidence of the notification process voucher into the administrative file and/or use it as evidence of the circumstances of each specific notification in case of appeal or before a court.
To guarantee the authenticity, integrity and preservation of the document, it is signed with a seal of the AOC.

More information at:
How to obtain proof of electronic notifications sent?
What information does the evidence of the notification process contain?

The signature of the proof of evidence

The Evidence report of the notification process is signed with a seal of the AOC which guarantees the authenticity, integrity and preservation of the document.

The use of the stamp implies that in the case of old receipts, it is not possible to validate it because it has expired. If this is the case, keep in mind that it is not necessary to reseal the electronic documents when the signature mechanism used expires because what is relevant is the content of the document (the evidence).

In application of the regulations governing security aspects in the field of electronic administration, the validity of the signature mechanism used can be presumed (leaving aside any assessment of the content of the document), if it can be verified that the integrity has been preserved and custody of the document (that there are no elements that question the integrity and authenticity).

In the case of e-NOTUM evidence reports, the conservation and archiving of this document/report corresponds to the service user Administration that has acted in the specific procedure.

Notification states

You can consult the list of notification states (intermediate or final) on the service support portal: Electronic notification states

The succession of the recipients of the notifications

As indicated above, since in the notification process through e-NOTUM several pieces of evidence are generated that make up the guarantee of making the notification available, its content and its possible acceptance or rejection.

In the event that the person who succeeds the interested party communicates this circumstance to the competent Administration, it is not possible to replace the NIF of one person for the other; in this case, the specific notification must be technically canceled and a new one generated (with the NIF of the successor person).

Regarding this issue, an improvement has been introduced in the e-NOTUM service in order to be able to manage the cancellation of notifications from the screens of EACAT; in the following link you have the procedure to follow to cancel a notification from EACAT.

Glossary of electronic notifications

Making available: element of an electronic notification consisting of the publication of the administrative act in a restricted space (electronic headquarters or general access point). To access this restricted space, the interested person must identify themselves electronically, select the notification, and then open the content of the notification.

All actions (publishing, accessing and opening) are recorded with a time stamp.

In the new citizenship portal of e-NOTUM it is listed as Delivery (both the notice and the evidence refer to the date of delivery ).

Notification of availability : SMS or e-mail received by the person concerned or his representative, to indicate that he has received a notification.

Evidence of the notification : the document reliably contains the relevant traces (evidence) of the notification process. It can be downloaded both by the interested person and by the User Administration of e-NOTUM.
Notification box : space where the citizen can see all the notifications and communications delivered by the user administrations of e-NOTUM.

In this regard, in order to make the elements of electronic notifications easily identifiable, AOC has launched a new e-NOTUM citizenship portal.

These elements, which maintain their operation and guarantees, appear with a terminology based on clear communication.


Law 39/2015: art. 41 to 45
RD 203/2021: art. 42 to 45
Law 26/2010: art. 56
National Security Scheme and Electronic Signature Technical Standards (ETSI)

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