When an interested person with legal capacity acts before the Administration through a representative, the representation must be proven in five cases:

  • Form requests,
  • Submit responsible statements or communications,
  • Interpose resources,
  • Give up shares i
  • Waive rights.

However, the lack of accreditation of the representation is an amendable defect and must be required to be rectified.

What means are there to accredit the representation?

The representation can be proven by any means valid in law, as long as reliable evidence is provided; in enumerative mode:

  • Use a qualified representative electronic certificate.
  • Attach a notarial deed (or the CSV data that allows it to be consulted) or an entry made in a commercial register.
  • Accredit the registration in an electronic register of powers of attorney of the Public Administration.
Enrollment in an electronic register of powers of attorney

Representa is the service that AOC makes available to public sector entities in Catalonia to be able to manage registrations of legal and voluntary representations.

As an electronic register of powers of attorney, in addition to allowing the user AAPP to comply with the legal obligation, it facilitates the interested persons and their representatives to accredit the representation in a quick and simple way.

You can consult more information:


Law 39/2015: art. 5 and 6
RD 203/2021: art. 32, 34 and 35

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