Representa is the electronic register of powers of attorney that AOC makes available to Catalan public sector bodies.

Through this service, users can check the existing representations between two natural and/or legal persons, in accordance with the regulations.

In addition to the use of the Representa service, the accreditation and verification of a representation also entails making certain changes to the yes of an organization. For example:

  • Review the forms for the procedures (paper and electronic) so that the registration number in Representa (or another electronic register of powers of attorney) can be indicated in the section relating to the representation.
    The procedures of the eTRAM service of the AOC have already carried out this review.
  • Provide the OAMR with forms to grant powers of attorney apud acta in person, while entering this power of attorney in the register.
  • Carry out information campaigns for citizens to raise awareness about registration and encourage registrations.
  • Enable an electronic procedure available at the electronic office to grant representations.

You can consult more information at:


Law 39/2015: art. 5 and 6
RD 203/2021: art. 32, 34 and 35

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