With the aim of deploying and establishing the digitization of documentation, certain organizational and functional decisions must be made, based on the legally established requirements.

For this reason, in this FAQ we propose some ideas.

Should we regulate the digitization process?

yes It is highly recommended to regulate the digitization procedure within each organization because a series of decisions must be made that the reference regulations do not clearly specify.

A good legal formula to do this is through a specific Instruction for the check-in (for example, approved by mayor's resolution) which contemplates, in a simple and flexible way, key aspects such as:

  • Number of documents/pages to be digitized by the OAMR.
  • Terms of digitization of the documentation (Service Level Agreement).
  • What documents do not need to be scanned from check-in.
  • What to do with documentation that has been left for scanning when the deadline for collection by its owner has passed.
  • Which units are capable of making true copies in addition to OAMRs.

By way of example, we provide you with the Registration Instructions approved by Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council.

What requirements should the scanning machine have?

As we indicated, the regulations only establish a frame of reference and each organization must decide what the specific parameters are for configuring the machinery to digitize.

For this purpose, the values that the digitalization parameters should have can be taken as those proposed by the Digitalization Guide that the Generalitat de Catalunya makes available to Public Administrations (PA):

  • Resolution: 300 pp
  • Digitization in color when the documents are, and if not in black and white or grayscale.
  • Bit depth: 8-bit gray, 24-bit color
  • Fidelity: Respect the geometry of the original document in terms of volume and proportions, without adding characters or graphics.
  • Compression: No compression
  • Format: PDF
What do we do with the paper documentation that arrives at the registry by mail, when it has been digitized?

Since in this case it is not possible to return the paper documentation at the same time of digitization and practice of the entry settlement, according to the regulations, it is necessary:

  1. Keep the documentation for 6 months, so that the interested person can pick it up.
  2. Eliminate/destroy paper documentation that has not been collected within 6 months, applying the appropriate document conservation rules.
  3. Apply the document destruction rules that apply to each AP.

Law 39/2015: art. 16 and 27

RD 203/2021: art. 19 to 22, 39, 47 and 53

National Security Scheme

National Interoperability Scheme