The Public Administrations (PA) must guarantee the right of those interested not to provide data or documents that are already in the possession of the current Administration or have been drawn up by any other Administration.

In order to guarantee this right, the APs carry out exchanges of data and documents through intermediary platforms, which guarantee interoperability (and the necessary security).

However, the management and organization that -internally- involves the operation of interoperability for each AP can be a complex and unknown task, both for those who want to start consulting data, as for those who are already doing it and want to expand the consultations that they perform

All this can be a disincentive to making inquiries through Via Oberta (VO). For this reason, this FAQ sets out some questions that can be of help to start interoperating.

What do we need to do to interoperate?

First of all, it is advisable to consult the Catalog of interoperable data and documents in Catalonia to familiarize ourselves with what data we have at our disposal (the Catalog is also known as Via Oberta Service Letters ).

Next, it is recommended that we review the organization's procedures, with the aim of identifying which data and/or documents should not be required because we can consult them in the Catalogue.

It is possible that, from this review, the need to make changes to the procedures will be identified. For example:

  • The structure of the forms (for example, enable a box to be able to object to queries or add a section to reference the data for document localization purposes);
  • In the section describing the procedures, to inform that those interested can save themselves attaching the documentation.

Second, we must follow the steps indicated in the FAQ How do I join the Interoperability Framework Convention (CMI)?

Then, we must process the Authorizations for access to the relevant data, according to the needs we have detected. For these purposes, there is more information in the FAQ How do I request registration for the services of Via Oberta?

Who can make inquiries?

Public employees linked to the PA that needs the data (which has been previously authorized by the transferor) can make interoperability inquiries.

In application of the regulations, it is necessary to identify the employee involved in the data query. It is also a condition set by the transferors of the data.

For this reason, interoperability inquiries are made by a public employee with a qualified electronic certificate that accredits his direct link to a PA with an official or contractual relationship.

On the other hand, a person who works for a company awarded a tender cannot make inquiries (expanded in the next section).

What does the employee need to make inquiries?

Employees conducting interoperability inquiries need to:

  • Have a qualified electronic certificate that accredits the direct link of the person to an AP, for example a T-CAT on card or software (it is not essential that the trusted service provider is the AOC).
  • Be registered with EACAT.
  • Have the authorization of the body to which you are linked to be a VO user and also for the specific consumption of the service.

NOTE : workers who make inquiries through PICA (platform of the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya), must consult the respective areas or units.

NOTE : the T-CAT of a related person cannot be used to carry out interoperability inquiries because it is not a public employee certificate (the holder is not directly linked to a public administration in Catalonia but has a service relationship or functional).

In fact, "Unit in the organization" that appears in this certificate does not refer to the Administration where it provides services and, as a consequence, does not contain the information required for consultations.

The security policy of inquiries

Collecting the aforementioned, the AOC security policy states that access to VO queries through the EACAT screens must be done by a public employee. Therefore, VO cannot be accessed with:

  • Certificate of public worker from a different AP to which the user of EACAT is assigned at the time of making the query;
  • idCAT certificate, because it is a certificate of citizenship (it does not bind the holder as an employee of an AP);
  • Other citizenship certificates issued by other lenders, for the same reason as in the previous point.
Interoperability glossary

Below is a glossary of the specific terminology used in interoperability inquiries:

  • Authorizations : request for each of the services (not the VO request).
  • Service letters : document containing the consultation conditions (technical, legal and functional), as well as the information available in the service.
  • Catalog of interoperable data and documents in Catalonia : instrument that contains all the data that can be consulted by the Catalan APs.
  • Queries : it is the complete process of exchange from the time the AP requires some data until it obtains it. In other words, a query includes the request and the response. The traces that are kept from the service are those of the consultation.
  • Interoperability node : these are the functions carried out by the AOC from the VO service and any other interoperability matter.

Law 39/2015: art. 28 and 53

Law 40/2015: art. 44 and 155

RD 203/2021: art. 25 and 61

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