Without prejudice to what is established in the basic regulations, the issuance of authentic copies also entails the achievement of requirements of a more technical nature.

Since knowledge and compliance with these requirements can be a complex task to assess, organize and apply in the case of small AAPPs, some of the most relevant aspects are summarized below.

Types of copies
Origin and end format Characteristics and requirements
Electronic - electronic

Electronic copy of an original electronic document or another authentic copy (art.27.3.a) Law 39/2015).

The " copy " metadata must be visible in the document.

Paper - electronic

Electronic copy of a document on paper or other non-electronic support that can be digitized (art.27.3.b) Law 39/2015).

In addition to digitizing the paper document (according to legal requirements), the metadata " authentic electronic copy of paper document " must be visible on the document.

Electronic - paper

Paper copy of an electronic document (art.27.3.c) Law 39/2015).

The paper copy must include a secure verification code (CSV) in order to verify its authenticity through the electronic headquarters.

Likewise, the metadata must indicate the copy condition.

Paper - paper

It is a paper copy of an original paper document (art.27.3.d) Law 39/2015).

Despite being a paper copy of another original paper document, the resulting copy must be provided by a copy of the electronic document.

The metadata must indicate the copy condition.

All these copies may be partial; if this is the case, the metadata must also indicate this circumstance.
Specific case of the authentic paper copy of an original paper document

For the issuance of an authentic paper copy of an original paper it is necessary:

  1. Make an authentic copy of the original paper in the terms of article 27.3.b of Law 39/2015, that is to say, the digitization of the original on paper to convert the authentic electronic copy format (with indication of the metadata )
  2. Embed the CSV in the paper document.
  3. Make a paper copy of the electronic document.
  4. Deliver the authentic copy to the person who requests it.
Do the "certified copies" still exist?

Although the regulations do not expressly indicate it, it no longer makes sense to talk about certified copies because all copies in whatever format are authentic copies and therefore have the same validity and effectiveness as the original documents.

In all cases of authentic copies (regardless of the support in which they are produced) both the identity of the body that made it and its content will be guaranteed.


Law 39/2015: art. 16 and 27.3

RD 203/2021: art. 19 to 22, 39, 47 and 53

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