Several years have passed since the full entry into force of electronic administration, public administrations (PA) already apply on an ordinary basis the provisions relating to the general electronic register without coexistence with the paper register.

This means that, in the best of cases, those entities that did not have an electronic register have made an effort to adapt to the applicable regulations by creating a general electronic register of the entity that complies with the established requirements. Even the smallest ones or those with the fewest means.

However, some organizational and functional aspects of electronic registration are listed below.

What should you consider to automate check-in distribution?

The paradigm shift that involves the digitalization of the entry registration and the transformation of the registration assistance offices (OAMR), requires the establishment of a new form of organization or work in which there is no longer a wait for the paper file folder to arrive, but rather the file flows through electronic means.

To guarantee this electronic processing, the following aspects must be taken into account, at a minimum:

  • Identify those responsible for each area responsible for accepting or rejecting entries assigned from the OAMRs.
  • The list of responsible persons must take into account holiday periods and identify the people who will have to carry out this task when the people holding this responsibility are not there.
  • It is advisable to articulate, through some regulatory instrument (Mayoral Decree, Secretariat instruction, etc.), the maximum period for accessing and distributing this documentation.
  • Once the entries have been accepted, their processing will need to be assigned to the person responsible for that procedure. Therefore, it will be necessary to enable work mailboxes on the processing platform available to each organization, so that public employees can access (through roles or permissions) the entries and files pending processing.

Law 39/2015: art. 16 and 28

National Interoperability Scheme