How to make effective the right of access to public information through transparency portals?

Transparency portals must contain all public information in a free, easy, clear and accessible manner. The data must be updated periodically and must incorporate mechanisms for alerting about updates. In addition, the information must be published in a structured and reusable way.

However, effective compliance with active advertising obligations requires administrations to make an organizational effort and systematize information that makes it difficult to achieve an optimal level of transparency. In practice, despite the good intentions of the administrations, these difficulties result in the publication of outdated data or the lack of publicity for not having structured information that allows automatic publication.

With the aim of facilitating compliance with active advertising obligations, the AOC offers a transparency portal model, accessible from the electronic headquarters of each entity.

This model allows, among others, the publication of the body's own information, prepared by it or other administrations. In addition, this publication can be made:

  • Automated, proactive and permanently updated.
  • Arranged chronologically and by subject, in accordance with the document classification table.
  • With an indication of the source of information, the update frequency, the data model and whether the publication is automatic or manual.

For their part, the administrations must continue working in the area of transparency to encourage:

  • Automate data by default and from the source, that is, from your case managers.
  • The incorporation of active advertising obligations into the body's regulatory framework, incorporating transparency into the organization's culture.
  • The adoption of guides on active advertising indicators through which new indicators can be incorporated, update frequencies established, limits on publication, etc.

Law 19/2014: arts. 5 and 6

Decree 8/2021: art. 13

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